Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Salut d'amour - Love's Greetings

I have always said and belive that music is universal. It doesn't matter if the song is in French or Italian or Chinese or that the music is classical or jazz or Indian and you don't have a clue as to waht they are singing.

A good piece of music will be able to speak to your soul.

Last Saturday, I went to the SSO concert and found myself touched by this piece of music.

It's Salut d'amour- Love's Greetings by Edward Elgar.

He had composed the song as a gift for his wife-to-be. It speaks volume of his love and happiness. And if it touches you like it did me, then I guess you have felt the love in this little piece of music.

For more information on the composer and the music, please click here

You can find out more about the version I'm playing now here

Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds and warming your soul.

- Author Unknown -

May your soul be warmed today.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Drinking on the job

No, I didn't strike the lottery and isn't a millionaire. Which is precisely the reason why I haven't blogged for awhile. Whilst that 2 winners (I think there were 2) are celebrating their windfall, I have to continue working and slogging away.

Which was why I ended up attending 3 functions last night. From 6.30pm last night, I went from a hotel in town to a pub in Shenton Way area to a entertainment spot in Clarke Quay. And I actually see some people at all 3 functions.

There was free flow of drinks.
There was free food.
There was free loud music.
There was plenty of women all dressed up to look at.
There was enough men around (not sure if they was cute as the place was too smokey to see them up close)
There was plenty of seond hand cigerette smoke to inhale as well.

You would have thought that I would be partying the night away especially when it's free flow of drinks...but I was actually dying to get home by the time I got to the last function venue.

What? You say? Why? I was in a 'in and cool' place with all these 'hip' people.

I don't that point in time, I can only think of getting away from the thumping loud music, the smokey air and the energy-draining job of making polite conversation with people that I do not know and back to the comfort of my home. I guess I'm not very hip anymore.

I escaped at about 10pm and came home to a nice hot shower and a bowl of instant noodles.

Instant noodles? What about all the free food?

As it's always the case with such functions, the drinks are more easily available that the food. The hosts are more determind to get the guests drunk than to feed them.


After all the 'working' last night, it's back to more work today....

Thank goodness it's Friday.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Kimchimen & the $10,000,000 dream

I was queuing up today, buying my ticket to my early retirement. (See posting here), when I heard something familiar.......very familiar.

It was a man's voice. Well, there was nothing very spectacular about the voice BUT 'it' was speaking in Korean!
(For those not aware, most of us who're learning the language prick up our ears whenever we hear the kimchi language. We would listen intently, trying to figure out what they're saying)

I looked up and saw a group of men in front of me. They were also in the queue.

And then one by one, I saw them going up to the counter and saying confidently: "System 7 - 4(sets)", "System 7 - 1(set), System 8 - 1(set)" etc.

Wow! Are these kimchimen also trying their luck for the S$10,000,000 dream tomorrow. I guess if you can't beat them, you might as well join in right? hehe!

Maybe next time when I'm in Kimchiland, I should also try their lottery games. I may more luck overseas. Haha!

And yes, I bought my Toto Hong Bao tickets already. I'm ready to retire early. ^^