Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I've just given a facelift to this blog.

I think it looks nicer, don't you? Apparently, editing of the template is also easier though I've not really explore it. But it warned me before I click on the 'change' button that the layout may be a little 'out' for some posts. I was hesitatting for that couple of seconds before I 'hit' it. hehe!

I've already adjusted some of them but don't have the time to go through all of it yet. So if you spot anything that looks strange, do tell me.


I must say I like this new look alot. ^^


bbmag said...

hee, this is the same template as one of my best friends' blogs :p

tiffany said...

hehe! Really? I like the layout and the color.

Now I'm debating whether to change my kimchiblog as well. But the thought of adjusting all those posts.......

Anonymous said...

Nice change. Just to let you know that the links under "Other blogs" are not working because the URLs have been messed up. :)

tiffany said...


Thanks for letting me know about the messed up urls...

It's been fixed now...hopefully not too may other messed ups....