Thursday, October 19, 2006


The woman at the carrot cake stall at 'my' coffeeshop last night made me a very happy person.

When my food was ready, she said: "来,妹妹,你的." *

I haven't been called a 妹妹 for the longest time. Needless to say, I was walking away with a smile on my face. The carrot cake tasted extra delicious.


*妹妹- younger sister... a term you use if you don't know that person well and she seems to be younger than you. Like using the term uncle or auntie.


JosLovesFood said...

you shd frequent her stall more often :)

mrs a said...

yeah, since I am seldom called younger anymore (hahaha) I would take all the younger sister comments I could get. She would be a popular hideout for me ...hahaha!

tiffany said...

Jos... I would but hor... carrot cake very fattening leh...

tiffany said...

Mrs A... hehehe! It's always nice to be addressed as someone younger... even if you know it's not quite true anymore. hehehe!